Using sign language

A YouView Box FAQ

Sign language helps our users who have a loss of hearing.

By turning sign language on, you’ll be able to view a signed version of On Demand programmes, where available. 

  1. Bring up the menu on your remote
  2. Select Settings*
  3. Scroll down to the Accessibility & Language area and select Language & Subtitles
  4. Select Sign Language
  5. Select your preferred setting
  6. Select Done

*Settings can be found via the cog in the top right corner of the Menu. You can get to the cog by pressing Up and right after opening the Menu.

With the sign language setting turned on, we’ll automatically play the signed version when you select it.

Not all On Demand programmes are available with sign language. Look out for the [SL] icon on the programme information screen of an On Demand programme.