BT Software Update - 4.0.220 / 0.5.252

A YouView Box Update

Find my remote control

You can now easily find a misplaced remote control.

Press the 'Find my remote control' button located on the right hand side of the box.

The remote control will beep for 30 seconds and an announcement will pop up on the top of the screen.

You can press any button on the remote or STB to cancel.

Recording from timeshift buffer

Recordings will now be improved by including content from the timeshift buffer.

If you initiate a recording whilst watching a live TV programme, you will be able to play it back from when you tuned to the channel, rather than when you pressed the record button.

This software version currently supports these box models:

  • RTIW387 - BT TV Box Pro

Not sure which box model you have? We'll show you how to find out.

Manufacturer software: 0.5.252
Component software: 4.0.220

Latest software versions 

This is a phased software release therefore some boxes will receive this update before others.

Have some feedback on this device and update? 
Let us know on our community forum. We've set up a discussion thread specifically for this update.